Ambrosio's Cleaning


Ambrosio's Cleaning guarantees a great service every time. Our company is family owned. Everyone that works with us is family we do not bring strangers to any of our houses. We have clients that we have been working with for over 18 years. We have great references. Our services include: 1st time deep clean we charge double but we make sure everything is super clean and detail everything. Bathrooms are always washed with soap and water. We use bleach if needed and if its ok with the client. We dust absolutely everything every time we clean. Kitchens are always wiped down. We clean all of the counters with soap and water. We wash the stoves. Clean all cabinets and we move everything that's on the counters in every cleaning. We are very flexible and we love to work with what works best with the client. We charge by the house. We do cleaning once a week or every other week. Our goal is to please and make our clients happy to have a clean house .

75 Kings Hwy E, Fairfield, United States
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